
Gleeson The Defender: Part 3

His sleep is restless. Between the fever and his nightmares, he’s lucky to get any sleep at all. It’s midmorning when he’s woken again. This time, to a tiny knock on his door. Mary opens the door quietly. “How are you feeling?”
“Better.” He tries a smile but it feels awkward.
“Would you like to try some porridge?” She’s holding a bowl with her hands wrapped in her apron.  He tries to sit up but is unable to. She walks over laughing a little. “Don’t worry. I've done this before.” She takes her place on the side of the bed.
She blows on a spoonful before putting it in his mouth. He swallows without tasting it. “Hot!” He sucks in a lung full of air. She laughs at him as she gets another spoonful ready.
“Careful now, you haven’t eaten in days.”
“How long have I been out for?”
“Since the night my husband found you?” Gleeson nods at her. “A fortnight.” The look of shock spreads across his face. “Here, take another bite, but take it easy.”
            “Last night, we talked about the orcs.”
            “That was a few nights ago.” She laughs. “You’ve been running a fever for the last few nights. I wasn’t sure you’d pull through.”
“Where’s your husband?”
“He’s out chopping wood. Adeline is watching him.” She sees his furrowed brow. “She’s our daughter.” She gives him another spoonful. “You need to build your strength fast. I don’t know if the orcs will attack in the winter, but you need to pull your weight if you expect to stay here.”
“What can I do?”
“At first? Not a lot. You’ll help me around the house, tending minor things. As your wound heals, you can move outside to help Jake with the animals and then build your rapport with the town by helping others.” She feeds him another spoonful.
They don’t say much while he finishes his porridge. She laughs every time porridge gets on his chin. She puts the spoon in the empty bowl and gets up. He reaches out and grabs her hand gently.
Mary looks down at his hand then back at him. “Get Lord Gregory for me, please.” He holds her a little longer feeling the warmth of her strong hands. He lets her go so she can leave.
“I’ll be back in a moment.” She leaves the door open to his little room. He hears the wind howling as she opens up the outer door to leave. The cold air rushes into the little cottage and into his room.
He huddles down under his blanket, escaping the cold. His mind goes back to the night he woke up, frozen under the snowy sky. He shivers, closing his eyes, pushing the memory away.
The outer door opens again, snapping him from his doze. He hears Lord Gregory walk in. “Mary, it was nice of you to come get me like this.”
“Don’t mention it. Gleeson wanted to talk to you.”
“Excellent.” Lord Gregory walks into the room. “Do you mind giving us some privacy?”
“I want her to stay.”
Lord Gregory lets out a heavy breath. “Very well, if you insist.” Mary stands in the doorway of the little room. She leans on the frame with her arms folded. “How did you get here?”
“I walked.”
“We can make this hard if you’d like, Gleeson.”
“I’m giving you an honest answer. I walked here, in the snow. It was cold.” Gleeson smiles. “You want answers, I’m giving you answers.”
“You came here the night of the first snow. Why?”
“I was injured, still am actually. I was struck down in a battle, if you can call it that.” This seems to perk the interest of Lord Gregory.
“A battle with whom?”
“Orcs, they ambushed us.”
“Who’s us?”
“I’m part of the Iron Brothers. We were sent here to take out rogue orcs. I led a small battalion to take them out but it was a trap. All my men were slaughtered.”
“Where was this?”
“Somewhere in the Kreagle Mountains, I’m not sure where. I don’t even know where I am.” Gleeson admits. He hasn't even thought to ask Mary or Jake what town he’s in.
“Well, I can help you with that. You’re in Claville.” Lord Gregory looks at Gleeson’s eyes to see if there’s any kind of recognition.
“Never heard of it. Where exactly is it?”
“In the Kreagle Mountains.”
“I never left then. My battle was close.”
“What do you plan on doing once you’re healthy?”
“I will earn my keep through winter. Helping those that I can once I’m healthy.” Without hesitation he lies to Lord Gregory. “Once spring comes, I will work for a horse and food to make it back to Draiz to get another battalion of Iron Brothers.” Mary smiles, knowing his true intentions.
“You mean no harm to anyone here?”
“None at all. Why would I harm those that have helped me?”
“Just making sure. Well.” Lord Gregory stands from the bed. “I have heard what I needed to hear.” He walks to the doorway. Mary steps out of the way letting him pass. She reaches back in, grabbing the handle to close the door. She gives Gleeson a wink before she does.
The door latches shut, leaving him in silence. He closes his eyes, exhausted from the encounter. Sleep comes easy for him this day. He has no dreams, just sleep.
When he wakes again a fresh set of clothes is folded neatly at the foot of his bed. He sits up pulling the covers off himself. He looks down at the bandage wrapped around his side. No blood is on his bandages. For the first time he sees a clean and dry bandage.
He stands up holding his side, wincing at the small amount of pain. He’s slightly dizzy when he stands. It’s the first time he’s stood in who knows how long. He sits back down looking over at the fresh clothes.
He grabs the fresh smallclothes lying on top. He holds them up, they appear to be the right size. He stands up briefly, pulling off his leggings.
He puts a foot into the small clothes and then another. He stands up about to pull them on when the door to his room opens. He stares at Mary as she goes to shut the door behind her. She catches his stare. They stand there looking at each other for a moment when Mary’s eyes drift down. 
Gleeson’s manhood is exposed for all to see, but only Mary is here. Normally, he wouldn't worry about it. It’s not the first time he’s been naked in front of a woman, and it won’t be his last. Somehow, Mary is different. He’s not sure what to do.
Mary laughs at him, her cheeks turning a rosy red and walks back out the door. He pulls up the small clothes in a hurry. He grabs the trousers and pulls them up as well. His fingers fumble with the laces. He ties an awkward knot and grabs his shirt following her out the door.
He finds her standing next to a table in the middle of the room. It’s a little dark in the room. He pulls on his shirt as he looks to his left which appears to be the door heading out to Claville. In the corner next to his bedroom is a small wood cooking stove, also used for heating the house. A small wash basin made from what appears to be tin sits on a counter made from oak.
On the far side of the room is a small fire place with two rocking chairs and another door leading off to the unknown. Behind the rocking chairs is a stairway heading up to a loft area that overlooks the little fire place.
Mary is still laughing when he comes out. She looks up at him and the laughter comes out hysterically.  “What?” Gleeson is confused.
She’s having a hard time breathing. “It’s just that-” Her laughing interrupts what she’s trying to say. She can only point at him.
“What? Are you saying its small?” He’s growing a little angry now.
“No!” She manages between fits of laughter. His question makes her laugh even louder. “The look on your face.” She sits down on one of the chairs before she falls over.
“Oh.” He stands there a little embarrassed. She looks up at him, tears running down her face. “I thought that-” He fidgets with the laces on his shirt.
“No, I would never laugh at something like that.” Her face still red from laughing. She gets up from the chair and helps him with his shirt. She ties it tight so it won’t come loose while he works. “You’ve been in and out again for several weeks since we last talk. I think it’s time for you to start working.”
He reaches up and grabs her hands. He looks into her bold, green eyes. She stares back into his blue ones. He has very kind eyes for someone who’s so dangerous. He leans down getting closer to her face.
“I can’t.” She pulls away. He lets her hands slip out of his. She walks to the door and grabs a fur from the hooks next to it. “Welcome back to the land of the living.” She opens the door and heads out into the snow.

Gleeson stands there for a moment, watching her walk by the window just to the right of the door. He sits down in the chair, exhausted from all of his movements. He glances out the window every now and then, wondering what he’s going to do. He just made a pass at his savior’s wife. 


  1. I really like this Brandon! Did you intend on the different size font? Just curious. But love it!!

    1. Thanks. I did not intend on the font size. I've tried fixing it but it just won't change. I appreciate the comment and the words of encouragement.
